Monday, August 18, 2014

Coming this November...

The New Adventures of Josh and Megan 2.0

Monday, January 20, 2014

I'm Glad I Returned

DISCLAIMER: I wrote this a few months back, and for whatever reason, did not post it.  Now that I have weathered past that storm, and am facing a new one, I think this deserves some light.  Once again, my life is changing drastically, making these entry nearly obsolete.

There is so much I haven't said.
It's been a while, and while so much has changed, so many things have remained as they have always been. I looked back at all that I found interesting and important, things that I felt were worth noting and must go one record.  They are so far from the life I have now, yet as I reread the entries I remember why I cared.  It's funny how a moment or idea can change so much in the rank of priority of your life, yet they don't lose their importance.  They are no longer the Ace of spades - the card that impacts so much - they are now just part of the hand I have been dealt. 

It's kind of funny to look back and not see anything about my Grandma or her constantly changing life - perhaps because I still fully didn't understand it.  Even now as it progresses faster than it ever has, part of me can't entirely grasp exactly what is coming next, and what will never be again. For so long, she did such a great job of not making it a big deal that I believed her.  Scientifically I always knew Alzheimer's couldn't be reversed, but she made it so believable.  In reality, it is a rust on a classic car - it will only spread and destroy something beautiful that you can never recreate.  The body still exists, but it will never run the same.  Through the destruction we find ourselves reminiscing on the good at a rapidly growing rate - it's all we have to hold on to.

I have moved.  I have been working toward the idea that I have long treasured.  It hasn't gone as I thought it would.  I work so much that I have forgotten things I have long loved.  The only words I have written are those of survival; these words, if not properly formulated, will be the ones that cause me to lose my job.  My kitchen has simply become a storage space.  Running shoes are retired in my closet.  The only two things that remain constant are my family and a good beer.  I thank God every day for my family and how close they are to me.  They are no longer just a sobbing phone call away - now I can take a short drive.  And luckily for the nights that I can't get to them, I can always find solace in a splendidly crafted brew.  

Perhaps the only thing that is missing now is the presence of the best man I have ever met.  I am doing my best to not let that consume my mind.  It is only temporary.