Friday, September 24, 2010

Updates and My Small Hiccup...

Still cooking with another goal added to the list
I have been cooking like crazy and I am loving every moment of it... so many good flavors and aromas have emerged from my kitchen thanks to my sharp cutlery and curious taste buds.  I think in a few weeks I might even venture into the baking world - anyone that knows me that I don't eat sweets, so prepare to possibly take on lots of pastries shortly.  
I have also been learning how to play the guitar, which has been a goal of mine for years.  I decided to actually go for it; it's time to learn.  Once a week, I meet with Miles, a local music student.  He is very patient with me, which is saying a lot.  My skills are minimal -  my talking is anything but.  
*My goal will be considered "achieved" when I can play one of my favorite songs by none other than Miss T. Swift!

And now for the hiccup.....
Running has gone great thus far - I am up to almost 4 miles easily.  As my favorite math teacher used to say, "It's as easy as pie, no?"  I run 2-3 times a week, switching the scenery up between the beach and North Park.  Ashley and I always make sure to carb up afterwards with lunch too, which is necessary, and all we talk about during the run.
I have actually become pretty addicted to running.  I think about it all the time.  I get the urge to run constantly.  It's turning into an obsession.  I'm not sure if it is finding out what I am capable of, or the freedom I feel when I run that I love so much, but it something I think about from the moment I wake until I lay back down at night.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


People seem to have forgotten what happened today.

9 years ago, innocent lives were lost.  When they woke up that morning, they expected a day just like any other.  They brewed their coffee and made their beds.  They boarded planes with their luggage and newspapers.  Some looked forward to their second date later that night,  while others promised their kids they would be at their baseball game after work.  Little did they know that in a few short hours, the world's eyes would be on them.  Some would be filled with sadness, others anger or confusion. Some would be happy - and that's what people seem to forget.  

9 years ago today, we were attacked.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cooking Queens

Goal #7 - CHECK

Every Thursday Katie and I walk to North Park's Farmer's Market and cook dinner with our fresh local produce :)

Tonight on the menu was chicken marsala over pasta with a side of roasted asparagus.  Our tummies are full and we are happy.  Too bad there aren't any leftovers for Kiley!

You know you want to hire us