Monday, August 30, 2010

Goal #11 - Become a Running Machine

I feel out of shape.  I am in need of a challenge.  Solution?

Run a half marathon! (a full marathon would result in hospitalization)

Ashley and I are going to start training next week.  Our first goal is to run a 5K soonish, with the ending goal of a half marathon.

Can I do it?  Doesn't matter.... I have to.  It's a goal.  Gotta make it happen :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Young Love

I just came across this photo -- it was a photo shoot I did for a designer that made awesome pillows (Check out Pillows by Danielle).  Christina McNeill was the photographer, and a great one at that.  She has beautiful work and is amazing to work with.  I wanted to share the picture... It's happy.  It's pure.  It's innocent.  It's young love.

Some days it's nice to see love (although this was staged).  Society has twisted the idea of love with shows like The Bachelor and other trash that I don't want to waste finger tapping to mention.  Love is precious, rare, and personal.  Finding that one whom you can connect with is not something that should be taken for granted, rather it should be cherished.

I hope this photo could put a warm, fuzzy spot into even the most cynical of hearts.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life is about to get great....

I found an apartment 
I'm North Park Bound.  It's too much money and space for just Kiley and I -- so obviously it's a perfect fit.  I can't wait to move in (however, I can wait to pack the boxes)

I'm making my movie
One thing I have learned from the business world is to make myself look bigger than I am.  It worked.  I got emails.  I decided to not consult anyone on my new project.  Before I jump forward with changes, I always ask at least one person for their opinion, whether it be the idea, the approach, or if I'm just flat our crazy and irrational -- not this time......

Look for the kickstarter fundraising page.  It isn't up yet; we are working on budget.  I'll send out a notice when I have the page started.  If you can, spare a dollar or five :)

That's all folks!
Thanks to all 3 sets of eyes that might read this post.... you are appreciated!