Friday, October 29, 2010

Wise Words

Dad really does know best....

"Things happen for a reason I guess.  I don't know why, but they just do."

These words comforted everything that was awful about my day.  Even when he thinks he doesn't have an answer, he does.  He always knows just what to say.  

Thanks Dad.... I love you.

No Day But Today

"Life is too short to wake up with regrets.  So love the people who treat you right.  Love the ones who don't just because you can.  Believe everything happens for a reason.  If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.  If it changes your life, let it.  Kiss slowly.  Forgive quickly.  They never said life would be easy, but it will be worth it."

"Life is short" has become a song from a broken record, but it rings too true.  Life really is short - and you should live everyday doing things you love with the people you love.  We expect tomorrow to be waiting for us, but one day it won't be.

My heart breaks for my friend Erin and her husband Zach.  A week ago today, they welcomed their first little blessing into the world - a boy named Drew.  We watched him grow in his mommy's belly (I named him Applebaby... Erin hated it :) ).  There were some complications, but he was doing okay and we couldn't wait for him to heal so we could meet him.  On Wednesday, things digressed, and Erin and Zach held their little boy for the first and last time.

I can't fathom going through this.  I am amazed by them for dealing with it as gracefully as they have.  All of us at work admire them for their strength.  I am truly humbled.  We learned how fragile life truly is, and for us who are healthy and able, we should live life to the best of our abilities.

Please keep the Griffiths in your prayers.  We love you Erin and Zach.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another Delicious Dish

Red Light, Green Light....

Our eager taste buds made cooking this meal seem like an eternity.  It smelled delicious the second the food hit the pans.  As we cooked, we were serenaded by the musical genius known as T.Swift.  She was the missing ingredient that helped make the meal all that it was.

Without further adieu, we give you chicken picatta, rice and veggies:

Good food, good wine, good friends, GOODNIGHT.