Monday, November 16, 2009

End of the Song, But Not the Performance

The leaves are turning colors, and the smell of savory beer-basted turkeys will soon deliciously pollute the newly crisp air. I have yelled and cheered at my television for 10 Sundays, and the Super Bowl bets are being set. Whispers of Black Friday, aka The Fall Olympics, have entered the Universe. This has been, and always will be, my favorite time of the year.

This year's fall releases a new vibe. While I am saving money for Christmas gifts and making holiday plans as usual, I am also saving and planning for a bigger journey. In 6 months I will no longer be a student. Midterms will cease to haunt my Octobers and Marches. My money will go towards expensive, cute shoes instead of wordy, heavy and overbearing textbooks. Night class will be replaced with nightlife.

I am excited to enter what most call the 'real world', but I am also hesitant. I have to be a big kid. An adult. An independent. A survivor. While the intimidation of true responsibility is beginning to sit heavily on my shoulders, I also worry that I did not do enough during my college years. Did I learn enough? Did I have enough fun? Will I regret anything?

Soon I cannot depend on test scores to reassure that I know a thing or two. I will not have the satisfaction of receiving a good grade for my hard work, and life won't be divided into semesters. I will have to endure long, stressful hours. Tums will be inhaled like candy. My mistakes from the day will trickle into the few dreams I will be able to have during my four hours of sleep that night.

When I think about all that lies ahead, only one thing comes to mind:


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Another Reason to Dislike Kanye....

Are you for real? Talk about a gentleman. I don't even know what to say....

Get over yourself Kanye, seriously.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Too Many Bundles of Joy

I just glanced at CNN's top stories, and one of them was a story about quints and quads in the same classroom. ENOUGH with the multiples and big families already!

Television seems to thriving on the multiples and big family stories like they are something new. There's the Duggar's, and who can avoid Jon and Kate Plus 8. Both families are unusual with their abundant amount of little ones running around. Has anyone heard of Mormons? Or traditional Catholics? They have been overproducing for YEARS!

I applaud the mother of multiples and big families who juggle so much - my two young nephews definitely dish out more than I can handle. Although these supermoms inspire so many other women who really don't have it that bad with their 3 children, they also cause women to sit on their butts and watch other mom's do a good job. Go read a book with your child? Moms need breaks too - I get that. But why spend your mom break watching other moms?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Return of Brett... Again

We all thought last year was it. I believed him when he said he was retiring. I am not angry that Brett Favre is back in the game - I love watching him. I just wish he'd make up his freaking mind! For the past 3 seasons, I have choked up as Brett sauntered off the field, helmet in hand, waving with that tight-lipped grin he always has on his face, for the "last time".
He is the reason I fell in love with football; well that and the uniforms, but that came around my teenage years, when I was beginning to fully appreciate the male form. I can't remember football without Brett. He hypnotized me into loving green and gold. I wore cheese on my head - for him! Need I disclose the colors of my wedding? I know nothing but the colors.
I am happy to see him back in my life. I will not become a Vikings fan because of it, but I will watch their games just so I can see his pepper grey hair for one more season. Is it the last? I am telling myself yes. Not because I want it to be over, and not because I want to cry, but because I want to watch whole-heartedly. I am going to watch as if he were dying.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mermaids are REAL?!

As a young girl, (and secretly to this day) I dreamt of becoming a mermaid. A swimming beauty with flowing hair and a glistening tail waving behind me as I swam through the the ocean was always what I aspired to be. I wanted the pretty starfish in my hair, and a seashell bikini top. Ariel's cave filled with all the wonders she found in the ocean fascinated me, and I wanted her life. Daryl Hannah only fed my obsession, and I watched Splash daily. I was convinced it was possible to become a mermaid. I often locked my legs together to swim like a mermaid while in the pool, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I thought if I did it enough, they'd get stuck that way, and I'd become a real-life mermaid. Dare to dream... it could happen.

I came across something that made me beyond excited. To most people, it sounds like a load of BS. To me, it's a reason to book a ticket to Kiryat Yam, Israel tomorrow. I don't even need the million dollars. I just want to say I swam with a mermaid. Maybe she will kiss or bite me, so I finally become one! Yes.... I'm serious.

Mermaids exist!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Test 1...2...


Thanks to the beautiful Salvadoran that is Catherine Riley, I have a blog. Just like the good old days when she made me my Myspace, I am once again up to date in the world of cyber communications. It will be interesting to see how this all goes. I am not sure how to use this, or what to post. Be patient :)

I found a video today that I kind of am in love with.  Keep an eye out for this girl... she's going to make it:

Here's to hoping you have a great day!