Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Final Stretch

It's Almost Here!
Team Alaska!
We are officially 11 days away from the marathon... Part of me never thought this day would come! (I typically doubted things around 6am on Saturdays)  This Saturday is my last run and it's going to be interesting.  It's a short and sweet 6 miles (which sounded like an eternity to me in Feb), and it's the morning after I'll close down Maloney's... I probably won't get home until 4ish from the bar.  I'm thinking I'll take a power nap, run, and then crash until 8pm or so.
Oh yeah...
I got a new job at Maloney's Downtown! And Sophie 103.7!!  And I'm still at Applebee's!  Why am I trying to kill myself?  Just reading it as I write makes me want to quit, but I gotta keep truckin'.  Sophie is a division of CBS, so it's awesome for my resume, but it won't pay my bills.  Maloney's, however, will bring in that cash monay!  (I went to the doctor today and the medical form asked me if I had a history of any mental illness... I don't have a history but at this rate I will have a future.)  I am parting ways with Mueller College - it was a great experience and I met some remarkable people.  It is just time for me to look forward and see what else is out there for me.

My Apologies...
I've been in 50 different directions lately, and I am sorry to those whom I have lost touch with, as well as those I have tortured in my neurotic presence.  Some of it will be over soon, some of it will probably remain because that's just how I am.  I am so excited to spend a week in Alaska with my mom - it is going to be amazing.  Knowing that she will be there cheering me on has helped me train, but it has also helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel through all of this madness.  And I really could use some quality mother-daughter time.  We leave June 15, and don't have to worry about reality until June 23 (and my bday is a week later :)).  Until then, I will read Eat, Pray, Love, (I <3 Elizabeth Gilbert) strum my guitar and dance in my living room to let off my worry and steam.  Sometimes I just feel like there is so much in life to experience and I can't stand the thought of missing out.  What I am happy to say is by overloading my plate with the marathon, I am finally crossing off that goal of traveling that I made for myself last year.

Random Fact:
I am writing it small because I am still not convinced it's not a prank... if it isn't a prank, I will get to work on set of a documentary about the Titanic this Friday :) It is being filmed by Lone Wolf Productions for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.  I don't know what I did right or wrong, but I'm excited if this opportunity pans out.

It's all approaching so quickly... I am anxious but excited.  Probably more anxious than excited, but I know that will change soon.  Thanks again to everyone who has put up with the roller coaster they call Megan.  I've been a tall order lately.  (Yes, I'm aware, but I couldn't resist)



  1. go get'em tiger! lol

