Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Life is about to get great....

I found an apartment 
I'm North Park Bound.  It's too much money and space for just Kiley and I -- so obviously it's a perfect fit.  I can't wait to move in (however, I can wait to pack the boxes)

I'm making my movie
One thing I have learned from the business world is to make myself look bigger than I am.  It worked.  I got emails.  I decided to not consult anyone on my new project.  Before I jump forward with changes, I always ask at least one person for their opinion, whether it be the idea, the approach, or if I'm just flat our crazy and irrational -- not this time......

Look for the kickstarter fundraising page.  It isn't up yet; we are working on budget.  I'll send out a notice when I have the page started.  If you can, spare a dollar or five :)

That's all folks!
Thanks to all 3 sets of eyes that might read this post.... you are appreciated!


  1. congrats on your apartment! and a movie? i'm intrigued. love your blog! :)

  2. New apt! Wahoo. I just moved into my first house and I'm loving it.
