Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My New Favorite Thing

Full of Grace

I've heard of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals... but until last week I hadn't actually heard their music.  'Apologies' came on my Pandora channel, and I fell in love instantly.  Her voice made me stop what I was doing.  I fell into a trance.  It was raspy and sexy - a sound you don't hear anymore (Ke$ha) not to mention the great guitar and tambourine.  They use real instruments and have real talent (Ke$ha) - something you don't hear in this age of talentless technology (Ke$ha).  I looked up more songs, and now I'm hooked.  Whenever I listen to them, I can't help but sing.  And then I catch myself dancing - especially to 'Tiny Light' and 'Medicine'.  Look em up!

On top the amazing music... Grace rocks some pretty hot minidresses.  I'm inspired.  Time to show some stems.

(P.S. Keep up the great work Ke$ha... you're a fabulous guilty pleasure after a few drinks.)

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