Saturday, September 11, 2010


People seem to have forgotten what happened today.

9 years ago, innocent lives were lost.  When they woke up that morning, they expected a day just like any other.  They brewed their coffee and made their beds.  They boarded planes with their luggage and newspapers.  Some looked forward to their second date later that night,  while others promised their kids they would be at their baseball game after work.  Little did they know that in a few short hours, the world's eyes would be on them.  Some would be filled with sadness, others anger or confusion. Some would be happy - and that's what people seem to forget.  

9 years ago today, we were attacked.

I don't like looking at that picture, but the truth isn't always pretty.  I planned on posting an "In Memory of.." post, and then I went on Facebook.  It's a social networking site, I am aware of that, but I was astounded by how many people had already updated their statuses and farmed their virtual farms (something I still don't get), and only two people remembered what happened today.  It's not a matter of what side you're on.  It's about your country, and the people that were killed because they were American.  That's why they were killed - no other reason.  They were killed for being American.  That's it.  Everyone fights for equality.  Rest assured... white or black, man or woman, gay or straight, rich or poor,  the terrorists viewed you as an American, and you were all equally their target.  It could have been you or me... we just happened to be fortunate enough to be at a better place that day.

People didn't (and still don't) see eye to eye on what happened that day, or what America should do afterwards.  I'm not going to get into that.  I was raised by a veteran; I'll let you guess what I thought should happen.  There are conspiracy theories and all of that.  I'll leave those alone as well.  The only thing that can be agreed on is that innocent Americans were killed.  

Take 30 seconds today to remember.  Remember the police officers, fire fighters, and others who ran into buildings that they knew were crumbling.  Remember the people who were stuck beneath the destruction.  Remember the lost friends, siblings, spouses, parents and grandparents - and remember the people that have been left to go through life without them.  Remember the people who signed away their freedom in order for us to keep ours.  Some made it home alive, some didn't, and others are still standing guard.

Please, for one day, lower your picket signs, take off your "political" shirts, and remember what happened today. 

Here's some music for American hearts.

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